Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for Feb. 16, 2012

Marriage Is Honorable In All

Marriage Is Honorable In All

Those who have cold feet are often the ones who get into hot water. Never is that more true than with those who Live together in sin (cohabitation), and those who practice “faith without baptism”, because neither one is willing to take the plunge. Those who live together do practically the same things as those who are married. They have sexual relations, they often produce children, and mirror the same type of lifestyle. The only difference is that they did it without the authority of God. Gen 2:24; Heb 13:5 Those who believe in “faith without baptism” do practically the same things as Christians do. They go to church on Sunday and midweek, they study their bible, and sing, preach and pray. However, they too don’t have God’s authority to be called by His name, because they refused to be buried with Christ by baptism, washing away their sins. Rom 6:3,4; Acts 22:16 Christ won’t cohabitate with us in sin. 2 Jn 9 He requires us to be married to him by Faith and Baptism before we will be declared his legal bride, and carry his name, Christian. Mk 16:16; Acts 11:26; Rom 7:4;1 Cor 12:13 Needless to say, if you are cohabitating in sin, or living by “faith only”, take the plunge, and make it legal in the sight of God. God won’t accept it any other way! Heb 13:5; 1 Pet 3:21

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