Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Legalized Sin Is Still Sin

Everywhere one turns today sinful acts are before them. Turn on the radio and you will hear evil communication. Turn on the TV and you will see sex and violence. Open a book or magazine and you will see and read pornography. Turn on the computer and you will see all of these wrapped up into one. Sin is before us at such an enormous rate that Sodom and Gomorrah would appear naive to this generation.

Today sin is being legalized and made to appear to be moral by those in authority. Abortion is nothing but legalized murder. Homosexuality is nothing more than perversion and sodomy surmised as an hereditary trait. Homosexual marriage is being legalized as if it were being condoned by God. Adultery is nothing shy of polygamy one mate at a time. Fornication is called by many the best alternative to marriage. Alcoholism is now considered a disease and not a sin. Gambling and illegal drugs are defined as addictions. Prostitution by many is a legalized career choice in places like Las Vegas. Lying and cheating to get ahead in life is now considered the necessity to sustained success in the world.

In the denominational world this same process continues. It was man’s doctrine which legalized instrumental music in the church. Eph 5:19 It was man’s doctrine which legalized tithing and giving on days other than Sunday. 2 Cor 9:6,7 f; 1 Cor 16:1,2 It was man’s doctrine which legalized women preachers. 1 Cor 14:33-40 f; 1 Tim 2:11-15 It was man’s doctrine which legalized worshiping God and partaking of the communion on another day other than each first day of the week. Acts 20:7

The psalmist David warned us that the wicked and nation that forgets God shall be turned into hell. Ps 9:17 Samuel warned us that rulers of nations must rule in the fear of God. Isa 23:3 When nations legalize sin, they will eventually crumble. Just look to the ruins of Sodom and Gomorrah for proof. 2 Pet 2:6 Nations are one thing, but the Lord’s church is another. Jesus didn’t die for this nation or any other nation. He did die for his church, and paid for it with his own blood.  Acts 20:28 Jesus said that is was vain to worship him with the commandments of men. Mt 15:7-9 The commandments of men turn us from the truth and not to the truth. Tit 1:14

The bottom line is this: If God didn’t legalize it, it is sin. Sin is the transgression of the law. 1 Jn 3:4 The law of God is truth. Ps 119:142 Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. Jn 1:17 God’s Word was defined as truth. JN 17:17 The gospel came by the Word of God. 1 Pet 1:25 Jesus was called the truth. Jn 14:6 The gospel is the truth of God. Eph 1:13 Paul preached only one gospel and to preach another gospel brings damnation. Gal 1:6-10 f; 1 Cor 15:1-4

Every Christian convert in the new testament obeyed the same gospel. The gospel is obeyed when one believes and confesses Jesus is the Christ the Son of God; Rom 10:9,10 and repents and is baptized in Jesus name for the remission of sins; Acts 2:38 All who do such are added to the Lord’s church, the church of Christ. Acts 2:47 All those who remain faithful to the doctrine of Christ shall receive a crown of life. Rev 2:10 f; 2 Jn 9 All who do not obey the gospel of Christ shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. 2 Thess 1:7-9 Isaiah wrote, “Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled. Who among them can declare this, and show us former things? Let them bring out their witnesses, that they may be justified; or let them hear and say, “It is truth.” Isa 43:9 Legalized sin is still sin. Mankind can legalize it, socialize it, normalize it, but until God justifies it, it is still SIN! Rom 5:9

Comments on: "Legalized Sin Is Still Sin" (1)

  1. Thanks for the message. I like this part:

    Today sin is being legalized and made to appear to be moral by those in authority. Abortion is nothing but legalized murder. Homosexuality is nothing more than perversion and sodomy surmised as an hereditary trait. Homosexual marriage is being legalized as if it were being condoned by God. Adultery is nothing shy of polygamy one mate at a time. Fornication is called by many the best alternative to marriage. Alcoholism is now considered a disease and not a sin. Gambling and illegal drugs are defined as addictions. Prostitution by many is a legalized career choice in places like Las Vegas. Lying and cheating to get ahead in life is now considered the necessity to sustained success in the world.

    Keep on preaching!

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