Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for Aug. 3, 2013

The Art of Hiding Adultery

The Art of Hiding Adultery

We live in such a wicked society today that people commit adultery without a mere blush. However, in the Christian community, adultery is still considered a great sin, and anyone living in or committing adultery is scandalized. However, most have a way around such criticism, and in this lesson I am going to uncover a few of their hiding places.

Hide Behind Lies

One of the most common ways of hiding adultery is to lie about it. Some hide past marriages, or say that they were never married in order to marry another. Some fraudulently say that their spouse cheated on them in order to gain wedlock of the innocent. Some commit adultery and hide such from the public view, though known by their spouse. This was the case of Ronald Reagan who married Jane Wyman who had been married previously before she married the future president. This fact was hid from the public when Reagan was elected president. Mr. Reagan went on to marry Nancy Davis, and is still the only American president to have been married twice, and the second to hold the office office and be an adulterer (Gerald Ford was the first).


Many use trickery in order to marry another. Some stop having sex with their spouse in order to induce them to cheat and then claim adultery. This actually occurred in California when the state passed an adultery law. In modern times, California became one of the first states to pass a no fault divorce law.  Some fake affairs in order to induce their spouse to cheat on them, and then they claim adultery when they catch them. Some falsely accuse their husband or wife of infidelity so that they can claim adultery as the cause of their divorce.


When all else fails, many will succumb to murder in order to be married to another. This sadly happens more than most ever know. How often is it proven in the courts of this land that husbands and wives turn on each other in order to gain their wealth and/or the charms of another. Such betrayal only proves that a few in society view murder less scandalous than being called an adulterer or adulteress.

False Doctrine of Churches

One of the most hideous way of evading the declaration of adultery is to change the law of God. Many who have committed adultery flock to churches who allow one to divorce and remarry for any cause. Sadly, the churches of Christ is one of those churches. Most all churches of Christ, like the denominations, claim that women can divorce their husband for the cause of fornication and remarry just like men. Mt 5:32 f; Mt 19:19 This they do without one scripture to validate such a practice. This they do despite the scriptures twice saying that women who are married to another with a living husband shall be called an adulteress. Rom 7:2,3 f; 1 Cor 7:39

Many in the church are changing the law of Christ by redefining what “fornication” truly means. Many are saying that one can get a divorce and remarry for any kind of sexual immorality. To them, this would include lusting in the heart, watching pornography, or masturbation. All of these are sins, but none of them are the true definition of “fornication”. Fornication is defined as consensual sexual intercourse between two persons not married to each other.

Some are expanding the meaning of Paul’s writings to mean that a Christian can remarry if their unbelieving spouse divorces them. Others are saying that they can commit adultery and then ask God to forgive them, yet remain in the unlawful marriage. Some say that a sinner’s adulteries are wiped away by baptism though they remain in their unlawful marriage. There is no end to this adulterous generation which continually seeks ways to change the marital law of Christ and his apostles.

Conclusion: The one commonality the churches of Christ have with denominations is that adultery is destroying them both. Catholics to escape adultery erase the marriage by a process they call an “annulment”. Protestants keep expanding the exceptions of why remarriage should be allowed. The world is throwing caution to the wind, and marrying everything in sight: Men with men and women with women is their flavor of the day. The time is come to call all who violate the commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ concerning marriage and remarriage an adulterer or adulteress and call for their repentance. One can hide their sins in this life, but God shall reveal them come the day of judgment. As Moses wrote, “Be sure, your sin will find you out.” Nu 32:23 And Paul concurred when he said, “Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men sins follow after.” 1 Tim 5:24 Sooner or later all adulterers will come light. Don’t wait until the judgment for God to be the one to do it. Repent now or perish later. Lk 13:3 f; 1 Cor 6:9-11

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