Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for Nov. 22, 2011

Whatsoever Is Not of FAITH Is Sin

Whenever we step beyond the commandments of God, we are breaking the commandments of God. It doesn’t matter how good, how convenient, or how sensible manly wisdom may be, if it isn’t approved of by God, it’s sin. Jeroboam moved the place of worship from Jerusalem to Bethel and Dan because it was convenient to the people, but to God this was an abomination. King Saul offered sacrifice when Samuel was delayed, and battle was imminent, but God removed the kingdom from Saul, and gave it to a man after his own heart, David. Instrumental music sounds good, is very entertaining, and makes sense to use, but God didn’t command it. Therefore, it’s sin. Whatsoever is not of Faith (the doctrine of Christ), is sin!

Rev 22:18,19; 1 Kings 12:28,29; 1 Sam 13:6-14; Eph 5:19; Col 3:16; Rom 14:23

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