Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for October, 2011

1 Man+1 Woman=Marriage

 We live in a society that has no respect for marriage. A society where people divorce for any reason, except the right reason. A society where couples cohabitate, and have children as a perquisite to marriage. A society where homosexuals, and lesbians have more of a desire to get married than do heterosexuals. A society that is so far removed from God, that they no longer know right from wrong. The truth is, God only allows divorce and remarriage for two reasons, and that is fornication, and death. The truth is, cohabitation is nothing more than a glorified name for fornication, which is wickedness before the Lord. The truth is, marriage is not for everyone, especially homosexuals and lesbians who are a pure abomination before God. Before we follow the popular trends of society, let us first examine the never changing, always binding, and ever truthful Word of God.

Mt 5:32; Mt 19:9; Rom 7:1-3; 1 Cor 7; Rom 1:24-27

If It’s God We Seek To Please…

What we do outside the body of Christ is not pleasing unto God. All of our good works warrant us nothing outside of Christ. Sex outside of a legal marriage according to God’s Word is considered wickedness. If we sin outside of the body of Christ there is no forgiveness. Sinners and Saints alike will sin, but the privileges of obeying God is that we have a mediator between God and us, Christ Jesus, even the forgiveness of sins. If it’s God we seek to please, it’s obeying the gospel we will do.

Mt 7:21-23; Heb 13:4; Jn 9:31; 1 Tim 2:5; Col 1:14; Gal 1:8-10; 2 Cor 2:17; 1 Thess 2:4; Acts 4:19,20; Acts 5:29; Jn 12:43

God’s Word Won’t Change To Fit Us

Biblical Proof

The sun rises in the east, and sets in the west, and has since the dawn of creation. The planets, and stars are still in same place God originally set them. The birds still fly, fish still swim, and the lion is still king of the beast, just as God placed them in order. The mountains are just as high, and the oceans are just as deep, and wide as when God brought them forth. Mankind can’t change one element that God has created, and if mankind can’t change that, what makes them think they can change the one thing that created everything_the Holy Word of God. God’s Word won’t change to fit us, but we must change to fit God’s Word?
Eccl 3:14; Jam 1:17; Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8; 2 Cor 13:8; Col 3:9; Rom 6:6; Eph 4:22; 2 Cor 5:17

It’s God’s To Command, & Man’s To Obey

Have you ever noticed God never has asked for man’s opinion? When God told Noah to build the ark, he never asked for Noah’s input. When God gave Moses the 10 commandments, he never  asked Moses if he had a commandment to add or subtract. When God told Joshua to march around Jericho, he never asked Joshua was it okay with him. The truth is, God gives the commandments, but gives mankind has no option to change it, rearrange it, or eliminate it. Obey it or reject it, but the commandments of God remain the same. It’s God’s to command, and man’s to obey.

Deut 4:2; Deut 5:32; Deut 12:32; Deut 28:14;  Eccl 3:14; Acts 4:11,12; Act 5:29; 1 Cor 4:6; 1 Pet 4:11; Rev 22:18,19

Procrastination is Pure Poison to the Soul

One of the three worst mistakes we can make in our lifetime is to delay hearing the gospel of Christ. The second is to refuse to obey the gospel once we have heard it because of unbelief. The saddest mistake is to hear the gospel and to believe it, but see not the urgency to obey it, and wait too long. Procrastination is pure poison to the soul. Why delay? Salvation, it’s now or never!

2 Cor 6:2; Heb 3:7-19; Acts 22:16

Doctrines of Men are not Found in the Doctrine of Christ

Doctrines of men are not found in the doctrine of Christ. When our salvation depends upon the doctrine of men, we are doomed like the ones who dreamed it up. Doctrines of men are defined as teachings which are not validated by Christ’s doctrine. Teaching such as: infant baptism, sabbath worship, and faith only are things which must be rejected because they are totally false doctrine. In the new testament, not one infant was ever baptized, not one Christian ever worshiped on the sabbath, and not one convert was ever saved without first being baptized. If it’s salvation we seek, it’s the doctrine of Christ we must follow, and abandon the doctrines of men!

Mt 15:7-9; Isa 29:13; Col 2:18-22; 1 Tim 1:4; 1 Tim 4:1,2, 6,7; Tit 1:14; Heb 13:9; 2 Thess 2:15; Tit 1:9

The UnChanging Word in an Ever Changing Universe

Why does the unchanging Word of God exist in an ever changing universe. The universe is in constant change, and what is true today will not be true tomorrow. Since the beginning of the world mankind’s ideas, knowledge, and inventions continually change from one generation to another. How comforting it is to know that the Word of God never changes, and is a consistent force in our lives. That’s the key to identifying truth, it never changes. The same truth that saved the 3,000 on the day of Pentecost, that saved the eunuch, that saved Saul, Cornelius, Lydia, and the jailer will save us today. No matter the generation, the gospel remains exactingly the same, and always saves.

1 Cor 1:10; 2 Cor 1:18; Gal 1:8,9; 2 Thess 2:15; Tit 1:9; Acts 2:41; Acts 8:26-39; Act 9: 1-18; Acts 10:1-48; Acts 16:14;15; Acts 16:23-34

The Bible Is The Absolute Truth Of God

The holy bible is so easy to understand, yet so filled with wisdom and knowledge that it can make the simple wise. It is so perfect, tested, and tried that it can be trusted as pure truth. It is so endless that it will be there for you, and your children, and every generation thereafter. So powerful that it can cut asunder the soul and spirit, and can discern the thoughts, and intents of the heart. It is so revered, because when our life is over it will judge each one of us. The bible is unlike all other books, because it is the only book that is directly, and is totally certified to come from God without any lie contained therein.  It is filled with so many precious and faithful promises, that it can save anyone who will obey it. If you are looking for the book that has all the answers for your eternal life, the holy bible is the one, for the bible is the absolute truth of God.

Ps 19:7;Ps 12:6; 1 Pet 1:23-25; Heb 4:12; Jn 12:48; 2 Tim 3:16; Heb 6:17-19; 2 Pet 1:4; 1 Thess 5:24; Tit 1:2; Jn 17:17

Fear God Not Man

We all know the consequences of disobeying our parents, yet most obey them with reverence, and honor. We all know the consequences of disobeying the laws of man, and most obey them explicitly. Yet, most of the world knows the consequences of disobeying God, but most won’t accept it. It all stems in the fact that God delays punishment for the wicked, just as He delays reward for all who obey Him. Even in punishment and reward, God deems it necessary in man to believe, for if we don’t believe in both punishment and reward, we would not fear God, and keep His commandments. Let us not fear man, but rather the One who made man, and is able to cast him into hell.

Heb 12:9.10; Eph 5:1-4; 1 Pet 2:13-17; Eccl 8:11,12; Ps 56:11; Eccl:12:13; Mt10:28

Death Has No Power Over A Christian

If today was your last day on the planet, what would you want to have accomplished in your life? The answers may be various, but if obeying the gospel of Christ is not first on your list, then your priorities are definitely not is order. Now you may be young, you may be healthy, and you may not have a worry in the world, but remember this: God can come calling at any time, night or day. Get your house in order, get your life in order, and above all, get your eternal life in order by obeying the Word of God. Because, only those who have obeyed the gospel will death have no power. Thanks be unto God for the victory through our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ!

1 Cor 15:1-4; Rom 10:17; Rom 10:10; Rom 6:3,4; Rev 2:10; 1 Cor 15:51-58; Rev 20:6

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