Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

When most Christians read the bible they will tell you that the bible is all sufficient. Well, they used to, but not today. Today the bible has been maligned, debated, and ridiculed to the point that only a few trust it anymore. Yes, they still go to it when it proves their doctrine, but when it challenges their beliefs, they will try to redefine it, attack its writers, or say mistakes contained therein. Some are even adding to it by adding their own books (Mormons and Catholics). The question is: Is the bible truly all sufficient, or isn’t it?

Was God The True Author of the Bible?

The bible is most investigated books in all creation. Not only do religious people read and study it, but also those who don’t even believe in God. Researchers have determined that the bible had 40 individual authors over a 1600 year period. It’s also been concluded that though most of these writers never knew one another, or were privy to their writing, yet all 40 writers wrote as though they were one person, with one theme, all reaching the same conclusion.

The bible contains no viable contradictions, and contains no mistakes. The bible is so easy to understand that most 12 year old children can understand it. Yet, the bible said it more plainly if only man would believe it, “All scriptures are given by the inspiration of God, and is profitable for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” 2 Tim 3:16

Were The Fathers and Prophets and Apostles Inspired?

The fathers and prophets thousands of years in advanced prophesied of the coming of the Lord to pin point accuracy. The first 5 books, the Pentateuch, was written by Moses by God’s direction. Peter said, “Prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Peter 1:21

Jesus himself bore record of the apostles inspiration. Jesus told them verily that the Spirit of God would reveal to them what to say, and to write. “However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.” John 16:13 Paul said that he certified that what he preached came by the revelation of Jesus Christ. Gal 1:11,12 Jesus himself neither said anything, or did anything except he receive commandment from His heavenly Father. Jn 12:19,50

Mistakes in Translations?

Every homosexual and lesbian sure hopes the bible is not infallible. Every adulterer who refuses to adhere to the Word of God sure hopes the bible has mistakes contained therein. Most claim that the fallibility of man only concludes that the bible which was written by man is also fallible.

There have been many versions of the bible written, and a few of them have proven untrustworthy. Literal versions which have translated “As Is” (KJV, NKJV, ASV, and NASV) have proven themselves over time to be impeccable for accuracy. Yes, the KJV has archaic words written from the 16th Century. Yes, there are colloquial words added which have since been corrected. However, the only mistake we can make with the bible is not believing it, trusting it, and obeying it.

Conclusion: The bible was totally inspired of God. The fathers, and prophets, and Jesus and his apostles were totally inspired via the Holy Spirit. We can trust the bible for 100% accuracy. The bible is all sufficient, and is the only book we need to be saved. 2 Pet 1:3

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