Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for Oct. 18, 2012

Losers of this World are Winners with Christ

I am often reminded of the losers in life. Historically losers have been scandalized as those unworthy of winning because of apathy or laziness. How many can remember the losers in American presidential races? Most laugh, and mock losers as unproductive people of society. Yet history would disagree with this assessment.

Alfred Landon lost a landslide to Franklin Roosevelt, yet he had a distinguished career thereafter.  He witnessed 8 more presidents including America’s oldest president, Ronald Reagan who helped him celebrate his 100th birthday. Roosevelt died  in office at the age of 63. No one lost a larger landslide election than George McGovern when he lost to Richard Nixon in 1972. He has had many humanitarian awards since losing, and though near death he has lived to be 90 years old. Nixon left office in the scandal of Watergate, and died in obscurity and shame. Though not a politician and hardly a loser, George Burns was always second to his wife Gracie Allen. When she died, George’s career began. In fact, George Burns became a movie star at the age of 79. He went on to live to be 100. Gracie died at the moderate age of 69 of a heart attack. These same trends have been duplicated over and over again throughout history.

What does this all mean? God asked all Christians to be losers. Yes! Losers! Hard to believe? Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? “ Matt 16:24-26

The prophets of the old testament, and the apostles of the new testament sacrificed their lives for a greater cause_to obey God. They were cut off the land of the living in service to God even as we are called today. We are not to love this present life unto the death, that we might obtain something more valuable than long life on earth, that is, eternal life. Rev 12:11

According to mankind Jesus was a loser. His ministry only lasted about 3 years and it ended by him being mocked, beaten, and nailed to a cross. Jesus sacrificed his own life that we might have eternal life. He was taken as a lamb to the slaughter, and yet he never opened his mouth to prevent it. He lost his life, that we might win eternal life.

Brethren are not to prevent religious persecution, yeah rather they are to embrace it even as Christ and not be ashamed of it. 1 Pet 2:21; 1 Pet 4:16 All Christians who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (not for wrong doing, but for obeying God). 2 Tim 3:12; 1 Pet 4:15 Notice that not all Christians will suffer persecutions. Only those who abide in Christ, and His doctrine will suffer.This suffering is how one knows who is a faithful Christian, and who is not. Gal 5:11 Those who save their life, and escape persecution will lose their eternal life. Mt 16:25 If we are not willing to lose this life by taking up our cross, and walk in the steps of Jesus, we can’t be a Christian. Lk 14:27

All those who win this life will spend their eternity in hell. In this life they will receive good things, while Christians are suffering evil things. It was true for the fathers and prophets, it as true for the apostles, and it’s true for us today. Lose your life today by your death with Christ by baptism, and take up your cross and follow Christ. Rom 6:3,4 Your soul will thank you eternally!

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