Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for Jul. 31, 2013

Must Christian Women Be Veiled?

Must Christian Women Be Veiled

It has always been debated and reasoned as to whether Christian women must be veiled when they pray in or out of the assembly. The scriptures are quite plain when it comes to this subject when taken in consideration as a whole. Let us unveil the mystery of whether all Christian women must wear a veil.

First of all let us eliminate prophesying from this subject matter, knowing that prophesying was done away when that which was perfect was come (i.e. the New Testament). 1 Cor 13:8-10 The scriptures makes it very clear that no Christian man should be covered when praying since he is the image and glory of God. 1 Cor 11:4,7 If he prays covered he dishonors his head, Christ. 1 Cor 11:3 Since long hair is a covering, and the fact that man is prohibited from wearing a covering, long hair is a shame for man. 1 Cor 11:14 To this end there is no controversy.

However, most are confused as to whether women are to be covered, that is, wear a veil. Let us separate the facts that are undeniable. First of all, if a woman has long hair it is a glory to her, for her long hair is given her for a covering. 1 Cor 11:15 Therefore, if a woman has short hair she would need to be veiled. The question comes to mind: What is the definition of long hair? It is self evident that if a woman’s hair can’t cover her head then her hair is too short to be considered covered. If a man’s short hair is not considered a covering, any woman wearing short hair similar to a man is not covered as well.

Yet, that is not what is central in whether a Christian woman should be veiled in worship to God. Actually that question was answered by Paul when he silenced women from speaking in the churches. 1 Cor 14:33-40 If women can’t speak in the churches, they can’t pray aloud in the assemblies. Therefore, Christian women have no need to be veiled in the assembly. However, many women break this commandment with the approbation of church elders and unqualified men of the congregation acting as elders. Women are allowed to teach and pray publicly in bible classes in most churches. Therefore, they break two commandments of Jesus Christ when they do this: They speak when the bible said “speak not” and if they have short hair, they pray aloud when they are “veiled” not.

Conclusion: When God’s Word is perverted, error always follows, and thus the confusion over Christian women wearing veils in the churches. All Christian women must be covered when praying outside of the assembly.  It is a shame for any Christian woman to pray to God uncovered for she dishonors her head, the man. 1 Cor 11:3,5 If women keep silent in the churches as commanded, they would have no need to be covered. If women wore long hair they would be covered in and out of the assembly. Needless to say,  it is not a sin for any woman to wear a veil in or out of the assembly for whatever reason. However, let each Christian woman judge herself in determining as to whether she should be covered, for in the end it is God she shall give an account; 1 Cor 11:13 f; 2 Cor 13:5 And let not the elders of the church of Christ mislead Christian women into breaking the commandments of God by their vain traditions. Mt 15:7-9

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