Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for Jul. 20, 2013

Noah, Christ & Christians Today

Noah, Christ & Christians Today

What would happen if you had to live the life of Noah? What would happen if God commanded you to build an ark? What would happen if God told you to build this ark to exact specifications? What would happen if God commanded you to collect two of every kind of animals to lead into the ark? If God commanded all of these to you, would you do it? As strange as it may seem, the scriptures reveal these answers, and so much more.

The story of the Noah who was “perfect in his generations” is a very familiar one. God was disgusted with the great sins mankind were committing, and even said He repented that he had made man. Gen 6:6 Finding Noah to be a righteous man, God gave him a very unique commandment: Build an ark to save yourself! Is the world so different today? Did not Peter on the day of Pentecost command the exact same thing? “Save yourselves from this wicked generation.” Acts 2:40 As Noah saved himself, even so do we today.

God just didn’t command Noah to build any kind of ark, but specifically gave him the type of wood he must use, and the measurements by which he must abide. God from the very beginning gave man commandments and wanted his Word to be followed EXACTLY, with no additions or subtractions! When God commands us specifically we must obey specifically. God commanded Adam and Eve specifically; Gen 2:16,17 God commanded Israel specifically; Deut 4:2 And God commands us specifically today. 1 Cor 4:6 f; 1 Pet 4:11

If the Baptists had been Noah, they would have believed all what God commanded them, but would have done nothing more, and thus perishing to the flood. If the Catholics had been Noah, they would have elected a Pope, wrote their own commandments, and built an ark according to their own specifications, and thus sinking their boat to the bottom of the ocean. If some denominations like the Mormons or Seventh Day Adventist had been Noah, they would have followed their own prophet over the commandments of God, and they too would have perished. If liberal brethren had been Noah, they would have let other institutions like colleges, orphanages or the Missionary Society build it for them, and would stand in amazement that their boat would have sank just as well. Only when we speak the oracles of God without adding to or taking from God’s Word can be we be like Noah, for Noah did all that God commanded him. 1 Pet 4:11 ff; Rev 22:18,19; Gen 6:22

Now to make it easy for mankind, God didn’t command us to build the ark as he had commanded Noah , but he did send Jesus into the world build his church. Jn 3:16 f; Mt 16:18 Jesus purchased his church with his own blood with his death on the cross, and adds us to it by our obedience to the gospel of Christ. Acts 20:28 f; Acts 2:47 Did not Jesus command his apostles to go into all the world to preach the gospel? Did not Jesus say that all who believed and were baptized shall be saved? Mk 16:16 Did not Peter on the day of Pentecost answer the question “Men and brethren what shall we do?” by saying, “Repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sin?” Acts 2:38 Did not the book of Acts record examples of Christian converts who verily obeyed these specific commandments? (Acts 2,8,9,10,16) Did not Peter say that as water saved Noah and his family, water saves us today? 1 Pet 3:21

Noah, a preacher of righteousness, preached of an impending flood even as Jesus preached the kingdom of heaven was at hand. 2 Pet 2:5 f; Mk 1:14,15 Jesus  gave commandment to his apostles to preach to the all nations, who in turned commanded all generations to preach God’s Word in and out of season. 2 Tim 4:2-5 f 2 Tim 2:2 As Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost, even so must we save a soul from death by means of the gospel. Lk 19:10 f; Jam 5:19,20 As God sealed Noah and his family in the ark, and set his seal upon His only Son, even so are we sealed with the holy Spirit of promise. Jn 6:27 f; Eph 1:13 Before God commands Christ to come the second time, and take vengeance on all who obey not the gospel, there is still time for us to be saved today. 2 Thess 1:7-9  Believe God’s Word, there is no other church, but the church of Christ. Eph 4:4 ff; Col 1:18; 1 Cor 12:13,27 There is no other entrance, but by the gospel. Gal 1:6-9 There is no other way to keep you safe, but by the doctrine of Christ. 2 Jn 9 ;f Acts 2:42 Today, if you will hear his voice, harden not your heart, for today is the appointed time, today is the day of salvation! Heb 3:7,8 f; 2 Cor 6:2

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