Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for Jul. 16, 2013

Only The Bible Can Make A Christian

Only The Bible Can Make A Christian

If every other belief and practice is in complete harmony with the will of Christ except the name by which one is called religiously, that person cannot be pleasing to the Lord. Also, if the name of the church one attends is not found within the new testament, therein, sin lies at the door.

None Other Name Than Christ’s

Why is the name one wears religiously imperative? It should be sufficient to say because God chose the name for followers of Christ to wear, and that name is “Christian”. It had been prophesied for generations in the Hebrew Scriptures that in the “last days” the Messiah would come, and the kingdom would be established. This was to be an international kingdom, not for the Jews only, but also for the Gentiles. After these events had transpired, and kings and Gentiles should see his righteousness, this new name would be given (Isa. 2:2-4; 56:5; 62:2; Dan. 2:44; 7:13-14.) In Acts 10-11, the house of Cornelius became the first Christian Gentile to wear the name CHRISTIAN. Then we read in the latter part of Acts 11:26, “. . . disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.”

Peter quoting the psalmist David, “This is the stone which was rejected by you builders, which has become the chief cornerstone. Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:11-12). God the Father has given unto God the Son all authority in heaven and on earth (Matt. 28:18); a name above every name (Phil. 2:5-11); made him head of the church (Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18); all things must be done by his authority (Col. 3:17), and such can’t be done while honoring denominational names unauthorized by the Lord (2 John 9-11; Matt. 15:8-9).

Every converted person was added to the Lord’s church by the Lord (Acts 2:47) upon hearing the gospel, (Rom 10:17) believing Jesus is the Christ with the heart and confessing such with the mouth, (Rom 10:10) and repenting and being baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission of sin. (Acts 2:38)  Except the Lord build the house they labor in vain that build it. (Ps 127:1)  Jesus built his house upon the foundation of his apostles and prophets with himself being the chief corner stone (This Rock). (Eph 2:20 f; Mt 16:18)  The house of God, the church of the living God is the pillar and ground of the truth, and the manifold wisdom of God. (1 Tim 3:15 ff; Eph 3:10; Isa. 2:2-3) God has no children out of his house and his children all wear the family name, Christian individually (Eph. 3:15). And God’s children also bear the family name collectively, the body (the church) of Christ. (1 Cor 12:13, 27 f; Col 1:18) Therefore, only members of the church are Christ carry the name Christian, and no one else.

The honoring and wearing of human names is in effect forbidden by what Paul wrote to the church at Corinth. They had begun the practice which is so prevalent to this day. Some were saying, “I am of  Paul, or I am of Apollos, or I am of Cephas, or I am of Christ” (1 Cor. 1:12). Paul then asked: Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptized into the name of Paul (1 Cor. 1:13; 3:1-7)?

Only The Bible Can Make A Christian! Christ still adds the saved to his church just as in the first century (Act 2:41,47; Col. 1:13-14). You can’t find how to become a member of any denomination on earth by the New Testament Scriptures! The terms of entrance into Protestant churches and the Roman Catholic Church contradict the terms established by Christ and his apostles. Any gospel contrary to the gospel preached by the apostles shall be accursed! (Gal 1:6-9) This is why Jesus said, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up” (Matt. 15:13).  “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it” (Psa. 127:1).

Consider these when followed:

The Bible plus the Methodist Discipline or a Book of Major United Methodist Beliefs, makes one a Methodist. The bible plus the catechisms under the authority of the Pope makes one a Catholic. The Bible plus the Standard Manual for Baptist Churches by Hiscox makes one a Southern Baptist. The Bible plus the Baptist Church Manual by J.M. Pendleton makes one a Northern Baptist. The Bible plus Luther’s Catechism makes one a Lutheran. The bible plus the doctrine of Charles Parham and the General Council make one an Assemblies of God. The bible plus the writings of Ellen White makes one a Seventh Day Adventist. The bible plus the writings of Joseph Smith makes one a Mormon. etc.

Sometimes members of the church of Christ are accused of being so narrow-minded in the matters herein under consideration. “We say we are the only ones right and everyone else is wrong.” “We believe, they say, that we are the only ones going to heaven. Well, let us see who is narrow-minded and who it is according to the Scriptures that will be going to heaven.

The church of Christ bind nothing on anyone as a matter of faith or fellowship, but what the Lord revealed as his will for man (2 Tim. 3:16-17 ff; 2 Pet. 1:3; Gal. 1:8-9). Denominations submit to a human creed wherein The church of Christ submit only to the doctrine of Christ (2 John 9). The church of Christ is the only church on earth which bears the name of the Lord, obeys his gospel, follows his doctrine, and remains faithful to his Word. We are the only church on earth which speaks where the bible speaks and remain silent where the bible is silent.(1 Cor 4:6 ff; 1 Pet 4:11; Rev 22:18,19) We prove our faith by book, chapter and verse. (1 Thess 5:21)  Because of the churches of Christ, the Lord’s church is still here on earth. (Lk 18:8) We follow no other creed, but the bible, we have no authority, but Christ; and no organization, but the church. All members of the churches of Christ may not make it into heaven, but we are the only church which gives its members that opportunity. If you follow the bible and the bible only you will find the churches of Christ. To do this you must abandon all human elements in religion. Remember, only the bible can make a Christian, and only the bible can keep one a Christian. Obey the ancient gospel of Christ, and become an everlasting new testament Christian today! 2 Cor 6:2

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