Speaking where the bible speaks, and silent where the bible is silent.

Archive for Mar. 24, 2012

If It’s Forgiveness We Seek

If It's Forgiveness We Seek

Is there a sin God can’t forgive? Ps 103:3 Is there a sin God will require? Heb 8:12 God can forgive murderers. Just ask the apostle Paul. Acts 9 God can forgive those who commit adultery. Just ask the woman caught in the very act. John 8 :4-11 God can forgive anything, no matter how heinous, with only two exceptions. God won’t forgive any sin we don’t turn from, Act 17:30 and God won’t forgive anyone who hasn’t obeyed the gospel of Christ. 2 Thess 1:7-9; Eph 1:7; Col 1:14 Why? Because God shows no favoritism, Acts 10:34; Col 3:25 and because God judges the secrets of all mankind by Christ Jesus according to the gospel. Rom 2:16; Jn 12:48 Most of all, because the blood of Jesus Christ was too precious to be shed for those who utterly reject it. Heb 10:29 What saves one, saves all. Jude 3; 2 Jn 9 If it’s forgiveness we seek, it’s the gospel we must keep. Rom 10:10; Acts 2:38; Rev 2:10

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